
Decentralizing Global Finance
Every economic crisis buries some practices and gives rise to new ones. What we see today is a move away from what Robert Wade called the “High Command “of …

Former Sen. Ted Stevens of Alaska Is Dead at 86
Washington - Former Sen. Ted Stevens has died after a plane crash late Monday in Dillingham, Alaska. Stevens, 86, was the longest-serving Republican senator when his 40-year Senate career …

We Need a New Language to Provide a Vision for a New Economy
The late Tony Judt's last book focuses on ending concentrated wealth and creating an economy that works for all. I was saddened to read of historian Tony Judt's death …

Google and Verizon Usher in the Internets
Monday's announcement that Verizon and Google will create a distinct wireless experience put net neutrality discussions not so much on the back burner as in the recycling bin.

Mosque Mania: Anti-Muslim Fears and the Far Right
There is a distinct creepiness to the controversy now raging around a proposed Islamic cultural center in Lower Manhattan. The angry “debate” over whether the building should exist has …

A Merger That Isn’t Comcastic
On December 3, 2009, the cable giant Comcast announced plans to buy NBC/Universal from General Electric in a $28 billion merger. Ever since, lawmakers in Washington and legions of …

Gulf Coast Fishermen Challenge US Government Over Dispersants
Commercial fishing communities in Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana and Florida have united to demand that local, state and federal agencies force BP to discontinue the use of toxic dispersants and …

Rwanda Election: Kagame Supporters Celebrate Landslide Win
Kigali, Rwanda - It took until almost 4 a.m. Tuesday for the National Electoral Commission to release the first batch of preliminary results for the Rwanda election. But everyone …

Dean Baker | This Economy Stinks, Yes It Does
If there were any doubts about the health of the economy, two reports issued in the last ten days should have eliminated them. First the second quarter GDP showed …

News in Brief: Civilian Casualties in Afghanistan Continue to Rise, and More …
Civilian casualties have increased by nearly 31 percent in the first six months of the year, according to a United Nations report, with the majority of deaths caused by …