Colombia: US Military Aid May Have Sparked Civilian Killings
La Macarena, Colombia - When Colombian military units receive an increase in U.S. aid, they allegedly kill more civilians and frame the deaths as combat kills, according to a …
A Second Slave Rebellion in Haiti
One of the many effects of poverty in Haiti is that desperate parents regularly give away their children in the hope that the new family will feed and educate …
Banks: Too Big Not to Organize
Boston - Through the blare of screeching feedback from portable translation headsets and microphones, unionized bank workers from Brazil, England, Chile, Germany and Uruguay are encouraging American workers to …
Right-Wing Pundit Phyllis Schlafly Decries Government Assistance for “Unmarried Moms“
Over the past two months, many Republican pundits and members of Congress have been calling for the end of unemployment benefit extensions for the millions of Americans who can’t …
SEC Lets Citi Execs Go Free After $40 Billion Subprime Lie
What is the penalty for bankers who tell $40 billion lies? Somewhere between nothing and a rounding-error on your bonus.
Stolen Land, Stolen Trees, Stolen Livelihoods
Imagine your livelihood is farming. You grow a variety of products that have sustained you and your family for generations. Then, imagine that the Army decides to erect a …
The Right Manipulates Muslims – and Boy Scouts
I was never a Boy Scout but I was a helluva Cub Scout. Pack 30, First Congregational Church. I rose through the ranks: Bobcat, Wolf, Bear, Lion. I accumulated …
Despite Anger Over BP Spill, Washington Might Not Act on It
Washington As the Gulf of Mexico focuses on cleaning up the mess left by the BP oil spill, the question facing the nation's capital is: Will Washington clean up …
Arizona Injunction a Victory, but Not End of the Fight, Activists Say
A federal judge's ruling has prevented the most contested parts of SB1070, Arizona's contested immigration law, from taking effect, but protests and recrimination have shown that feelings in the …
E.J. Dionne | How Big Government Saved the Malibu
Washington - Who could have imagined that the bailout of the auto industry, one of the single most unpopular moves by the Obama administration, would become one of its …