Senate Approves Funding to Keep 140,000 Teachers’ Jobs
It’s like the ultimate back-to-school gift card: $10 billion for cash-strapped school districts to recall laid-off teachers and keep thousands of K-12 jobs. Supporters of the extra funding say …
Elena Kagan Will Be Fourth Woman to Join Supreme Court
Losing just one vote from the Democrats, the Senate approved Elena Kagan for the Supreme Court, 63-37, Thursday afternoon. Despite Sen. Ben Nelson's (D-Nebraska) vote against her nomination, Kagan …
Possible Verizon-Google Deal Worries Net Neutrality Advocates
A rumored deal between cellphone service provider Verizon Wireless and Internet giant Google that would give preferential speeds to Google properties such as YouTube on mobile devices has net …
Eugene Robinson | Raising the Stakes on Gay Marriage
Washington - The 14th Amendment is a mighty sword, and U.S. District Judge Vaughn Walker used it Wednesday to flay and shred all the specious arguments — and I …
News in Brief: “Pro-Family” Groups Bash Gay Marriage Ruling, and More
Conservatives and “pro-family” groups like the American Family Association (AFA) are already criticizing the historic ruling made Wednesday against California's ban on gay marriage. Right wingers claim the ruling …
Hello, America? This Is Your Wakeup Call
There are cracks in the earth and holes in our hearts. The gusher in the Gulf has dramatized in gut-wrenching fashion a set of values and outcomes that comprise …
Gulf Residents Likely Face Decades of Psychological Impact From BP’s Oil Disaster
While the devastating ecological impacts of BP's oil disaster in the Gulf of Mexico are obvious, the less visible but also long-lasting psychological, community and personal impacts could be …
Whose Hands? Whose Blood? Killing Civilians in Afghanistan and Iraq
Consider the following statement offered by Admiral Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, at a news conference last week. He was discussing Julian Assange, the founder …
Jeff Cohen | Colbert One, US State Department Zero
On last night's “Colbert Report,” an amazing moment occurred when Stephen Colbert raised a major social issue that US mainstream media assiduously ignore: the huge US prison population. The …
Telling Swiss Secrets: A Banker’s Betrayal
New York - It’s the inner sanctum of Swiss banking — the heavily-guarded nexus between numbered Swiss bank accounts and their owner’s good names — and it’s the rare …