Nine Years Too Long
In 2002, my client, Kuwaiti citizen Fayiz Al-Kandari, was captured by Pakistani forces and sold to the United States military. Since that time, he has been confined without charge …
Review of John Atlas, “Seeds of Change: The Story of ACORN“
“Seeds of Change: The Story of ACORN, America's Most Controversial Antipoverty Community Organizing Group” John Atlas (Vanderbilt University Press, 2010) "The hottest places in hell are reserved for those …
Pilots To Be Exempt From Airport Scanners, Intrusive Pat-Downs
Faced with widespread resistance to what some passengers see as personally intrusive air travel security measures, US officials are looking for ways to ease the demands on those who …
Sex-Workers Get Second Chance at Life With Microloans in Kenya
Nairobi, Kenya: With higher levels of economic growth than expected, Kenya’s banks have already begun giving successful loans to a specific and special group of women. Many of these …
New Afghan War Plans Could Cost US Taxpayers an Extra $125 Billion
New Delhi - As leaders at the NATO summit in Lisbon meet this weekend to discuss strategy in Afghanistan, US war planners have been signaling that troop withdrawals set …
How Corporate America Is Pushing Us All Off a Cliff
When someone talks about pushing you off a cliff, it's just human nature to be curious about them. Who are these people, you wonder, and why would they want …
Will Pentagon Be Exempt From Budget Cuts?
Washington - With pressure to slash the 1.3 trillion-dollar federal deficit rising sharply, the public debate over whether to exempt the Pentagon from such cuts is moving rapidly toward …
Are High Agricultural Prices Good or Bad for Poverty?
Dani Rodrik is back, and he reignites an old debate with his recent blog post. He asks if high food prices are good or bad for poverty, and answers, …
Channeling Reagan on Tax Reform
The day after the midterms, a conservative columnist and a Democratic senator struck the same fiscal chord. Looking ahead, they looked back with longing at America's last meaningful tax …
Lame Duck Effort to Stall Clean Air Act Is Quietly Quacking
Washington - Sen. Jay Rockefeller’s single-handed effort to stall the EPA’s newest initiative to curb heat-trapping gases could fade away if a vote isn’t shoehorned into an already jam-packed …