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Jerry Brown as California Governor, Act 2: Can He Save the State?
Jerry Brown may be mellower and more experienced than when he first served as governor in 1975. Now he faces big challenges given California's more diverse population and flagging …
“The Left Has Nowhere to Go“
Ralph Nader in a CNN poll a few days before the 2008 presidential election had an estimated 3 percent of the electorate, or about 4 million people, behind his …
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News in Brief: GOP Congress to Target Spending, and More
GOP Congress to Target Spending
Wendell Potter: The Health Care Spin Continues
MSNBC’s Chris Matthews had a good laugh during a recent segment about the five biggest political lies of 2010. PolitiFact gave the top prize to Republicans and pundits who …
Job No. 1: Jobs
As Paul Krugman aptly summarizes, “recovery” is today's fool’s gold. Good news about the economy — higher holiday sales, lower unemployment filings – feeds a truly dangerous beltway conventional …
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How Afghanistan Became a War for NATO
Washington - The official line of the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF), the NATO command in Afghanistan, is that the war against Afghan insurgents is vital to the security …
Hugh Jidette and Hugh Janus Go to Washington
By this point, many people have come across the name Hugh Jidette, the moniker of the fictional presidential candidate created by the Peter G. Peterson Foundation to advance its …
Thom Hartmann | They Will Steal It!
War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the warrior does today. - John F. Kennedy In 1981, in …
Can Blue Dog Democrats Survive the 112th Congress?
Washington - As the 112th Congress dawns this week, North Carolina's trio of conservative Democrats find themselves not only a minority within the U.S. House of Representatives, but within …
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Six by Twelve
For over six months Bradley Manning has spent twenty three hours a day in solitary confinement in a six by 12 foot cell, under unrelenting lights, with neither pillow …