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Despite Latest Ruling, Immigrants Still Besieged in Arizona
The US Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals on Monday upheld a federal judge's decision to temporarily suspend key parts of Arizona's SB1070, the law that making it a state …

On Budget Deal, House Republicans Once Again Prepare to Break Their Own 72-Hour Rule
When Republicans took over the House in January, Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) promised the public, "I will not bring a bill to the floor that hasn't been posted online …

In Campaign Mode Now
Washington - The official announcement came the week before, but President Obama's deficit speech marked the real launch of his re-election campaign — with the odd spectacle of leaders …

Pacific Salmon May Be Dying From Leukemia-Type Virus
In Canada's Fraser River, a mysterious illness has killed millions of Pacific salmon, and scientists have a new hypothesis about why: The wild salmon are suffering from viral infections …

Who Wants a Voucher?
In yesterday's post, I compared two ways of solving the long-term Medicare deficit: (a) increasing payroll taxes and keeping Medicare's current structure or (b) keeping payroll taxes where they …

KFF – Killed by “Friendly Fire“
The Libyan rebels are learning that “no-fly zone” can translate in practice into lethal onslaughts in which NATO planes have killed or wounded at least a score of their …

Democrats Can Win the Budget Debate
Having hesitated to fully enter the fiscal fray, President Obama has at last delivered a plausible, principled response to the budgetary flim-flams of the far right. But one speech, …

Military Chaplains Forum Revealed, Takes on Religious Bigotry
(Photo: Jason Pier / Flickr) For five years an ad hoc group of retired and active duty Chaplains have been working under the radar to assist LGB …

A Primer on Tax Day Activism
(Photo: Justen Eason / Flickr) With Tax Day hard on our heels, David Cay Johnston has done a tremendous service by boiling down and unpacking what he …