
Bloggers React to AOL and Huffington Post Lawsuit
An aerial image of the Huffington Post inaugural bash, held on January 20, 2009. (Photo: njpitney) The Huffington Post unethically made over $100 million in profit from …

Poll: Best Way to Fight Deficits: Raise Taxes on the Rich
Washington - Alarmed by rising national debt and increasingly downbeat about their country's course, Americans are clear about how they want to attack the government's runway budget deficits: raise …

America Is Not a Third World Country … Yet
Let's start with the assumption that America is not a Third World country. In poor countries, many people never see doctors. Only the elite go to college. Rattletrap trains …

Take Him Seriously
Washington - It's time to take Donald Trump seriously as a presidential candidate. Three, two, one ... OK, time's up. Unbelievably, the waxen-haired real estate …

Many Hit by Spill Now Feel Caught in Claim Process
Bayou La Batre, Alabama - By October, Tim Nguyen found that his work in a Mississippi shipyard was no longer paying the bills. His hours had been cut back, …

Weight Loss
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UN Torture Investigator Condemns Mistreatment of Manning
The eight months of solitary confinement of Bradley Manning at Quantico has drawn national and international criticism in the last week. Support is growing for him around the world …

Members of Congress, Activists Use Tax Day to Call for End to Afghanistan War
To mark Tax Day, a bipartisan group of legislators and activists launched a campaign to show average Americans how much of their money was used this year to continue …

Inflation in China Poses Big Threat to Global Trade
Shanghai - As the United States and Europe struggle to get their economies rolling again, China is having the opposite problem: figuring out how to keep its revved-up growth …

A Year Later, BP’s Oil Is Still Damaging the Gulf Coast
Oil streaks a giant log on the beach near Port Fourchon, Louisiana, on August 2, 2010, one example of the devastating after-math of the BP drilling disaster. (Photo: Jeff …