
Should America Stiff China?
I shall leave aside for now the strategic question of whether America should stiff China, ie repudiate our $3 trillion in obligations to them. Strategically, repudiation of debt …

Mitchell’s Inevitable Resignation
At age 77, George Mitchell's resignation as President Barack Obama's envoy on Arab-Israeli affairs may have indeed been for personal reasons, as he claimed. More likely, however, it came …

When Prevention Is Better Than Relief
When the earthquake and tsunami hit Japan in March, Brian Tucker was in Padang, Indonesia. Tucker was working with a colleague to design a refuge that could save thousands …

The Good News and the Bad News in the Social Security Trustees’ Report
There was both good news and bad news in the Social Security trustees' report released last week. The bad news is that the program is projected to cost somewhat …

The Responsibility to Protect – the Cases of Libya and Ivory Coast
The United States, France and Britain invaded Libya with cruise missiles, stealth bombers, fighter jets and attack jets. Although NATO has taken over the military operation, US President Barack …

The War Lovers: Why It Feels So Good to Be Embedded With the US Military
Members of a Navy SEAL team participate in infiltration and exfiltration training at Fort Wainwright, Alaska, in 2009. (LCPL Ryan Rholes / US Marines via The New York …

American Democracy Beyond Casino Capitalism and the Torture State
We need new public spheres to generate a formative culture of change and justice.

Police Seek Evidence From IMF Chief on Sex Attack
Dominique Strauss-Kahn, the leader of the International Monetary Fund, spent most of Sunday at the Manhattan Special Victims Unit in East Harlem as prosecutors sought additional evidence, including possible DNA evidence on …

Nakba Anger Points to Third Intifadah
Israeli confidence that Nakba day, marked by The Great March on May 15 in the occupied Palestinian territories, Israel and neighbouring Arab countries, would remain under control, has backfired …

Rand Paul: Universal Health Care Is “Slavery“
At a 11 May 2011 hearing held by the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) subcommittee on Primary Health and Aging, a short debate over healthcare delivery took …