Is the Obama National Security Team a Pilotless Drone?
A soldier from A Company, 1 Rifles is pictured facing the downwash of a departing Merlin helicopter during Operation Omid Haft near the town of Alikosi in Helmand province, …
Israeli Knesset Bans Free Speech for Jews
Monday, July 11, was a historic day for the movement to abolish the Israeli occupation of the West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem. The right-wing dominated Israeli Knesset gave …
Feds Report That Massey Hid Mine Violations Through Two Sets of Safety Records
Rocky Moore, a mine safety inspector, checks a rescue chamber at a coal mine in Hazard, Kentucky owned by the Teco Energy company, which is not affiliated with Massey. …
Nearly $2 Trillion Purloined From US Workers in 2009
(Photo: bredgur) In 2009, stock owners, bankers, brokers, hedge-fund wizards, highly paid corporate executives, corporations, and mid-ranking managers pocketed—as either income, benefits, or perks such as corporate …
Monsanto and Gates Foundation Push GE Crops on Africa
Joel Mbithi (left), farm manager of the Kenya Agricultural Research Institute's Kiboko Research Station, and Yoseph Beyene, CIMMYT maize breeder, discuss experimental plots. They are developing drought tolerant top-cross …
Keith Olbermann | Bernie Sanders: Cutting Medicare Is Not the Answer
Murdoch Gets Rich Off High-Profile Evangelicals
Here's what you might not know about Rupert Murdoch: he’s one of the leading religion publishers in the world. Maybe one day soon Murdoch will go to …
No Agreement Is Better Than a Bad Agreement
The Doha Development Round (DDR) negotiations at the WTO have reached a deadlock. Various views have been expressed on the issue in the media (including in CUTS-Trade Forum). Some …
Murdoch Loses: Court Strikes Down FCC’s Attempt to Relax Media Ownership Rules
Something to Squawk About
Washington - Washington has many lazy habits, and one of the worst is a reflexive tendency to see equivalence where none exists. Hence the nonsense, being peddled by politicians …