
It’s Not Possible to Create Famine by Accident, Expert Says of Gaza Starvation
Moreover, says Alex de Waal, this humanitarian crisis “is not something that can be stopped overnight.”

Kristi Noem Warns of “War” If Biden Federalizes National Guard in TX Dispute
Noem is on the short list of potential vice presidential running mates being considered by Donald Trump.

US’s “Defensive” Bombing of Yemen Is About Imperial Domination of the Seas
Bombs are falling in defense of a system that exploits those who live and work along global shipping routes.

New Report Details IDF’s Use of Lethal Force Against Civilians in the West Bank
A UN office has recorded a sharp increase in “search and arrest operations” by the IDF in the West Bank since October 7.

Employers Can Now Match Student Loan Repayments as Retirement Contributions
Experts say the policy can be a “game changer” for Black women, who have the highest student loan debt on average.

Locals Say Eagle Pass Is Being Invaded by Christian Nationalists — Not Migrants
They say an influx of GOP governors and a far right convoy helped spread hate in their community over the weekend.

Report Lauds Effects of Guaranteed Income Program for Struggling Boston Families
Families reported a reduced level of stress and were more able to pay off debt and increase savings.

Sanders Calls Out US Hypocrisy on Human Rights as Senators Unveil Aid Bill
The White House urges Congress to immediately pass the legislation, which would give Israel more than $14 billion.

These Are the Tools Trump Could Use to Restrict Abortion Access If He’s Elected
He’s not talking about abortion much on the trail, but Trump has been a dependable ally of the anti-abortion movement.

Egyptian Officials Are Demanding Massive Fees From Palestinians Escaping Gaza
Egyptian border officials are charging Palestinians thousands of dollars to escape death in Gaza.