How Government Decides Which Workers Deserve Rights
Malcolm Harris has a New Inquiry essay on the movie Sleeping Beauty (2011) and the feminization of precarious labor. A lot has been written on precarious labor recently, including both John Schmitt’s book review in Dissent and Bhaskar …
Is Anonymous Our Future?
The enigmatic Internet-driven collective Anonymous, thank goodness, has an anthropologist in its midst. For a few years now, Gabriella Coleman has been arduously participant-observing in IRC chat rooms, watching …
The Citizens United Catastrophe
We have seen the world created by the Supreme Court's Citizens United decision, and it doesn't work. Oh, yes, it works nicely for the wealthiest and most powerful people …
Black Bloc: The Cancer in Occupy
Black Bloc anarchists, arms locked together, demonstrate against the World Bank in Washington, DC, on April 17, 2011. (Photo: Collin David Anderson) The Black Bloc anarchists, who …
America’s Plutocrats Play the Political Ponies
Life sometimes imitates art. Life also sometimes imitates political cliché. The cliché in this case: the notion that tunnel-vision political reporting has reduced campaigns for American public office to …
Anniversaries From “Unhistory“
Flying under radar control with a B-66 Destroyer, Air Force F-105 Thunderchief pilots bomb a military target through low clouds over the southern panhandle of North Vietnam. June 14, …
America’s Jobs Deficit, and Why It’s Still More Important Than the Budget Deficit
President Barack Obama delivers remarks to plant workers at the Chrysler Group Toledo Supplier Park in Toledo, Ohio, on Friday, June 3, 2011. (Photo: Doug Mills / The New …
US Elections vs. the Environment: The Stigma of Successful Regulation
What will the presidential election in November mean for U.S. environmental policy? Although we don’t yet know who the Republican candidate will be, we know all too well what …
Romney’s Indifference to the Poor
Washington - I wish Mitt Romney's cavalier dismissal of poverty in America could be chalked up as just another gaffe, but it's much worse than that. The Republican front-runner …
Why the “Liberal” Media Leaves Hawkish Foreign Policy Unchallenged
(Photo: Scott / Flickr) A recent article by foreign policy analyst Robert Naiman, examines The New York Times' current coverage of Iran's nuclear program. In it, he …