Support for California GMO Labeling Proposal Drops Following Industry-Funded Ad Blitz
Dramatic shift in Prop 37 polls demonstrates the power of a Monsanto/Dupont-funded ad campaign against GMO food labels.
Pentagon Nixed 1998 US Nuclear Scientists’ Probe of Iranian Program
The veto eliminated the Khatami government's most promising initiative to promote a thaw in U.S.-Iran relations.
Arizona Campaign Builds Against “America’s Toughest Sheriff”
Actions range from a Latino voter mobilization to an infusion of support from out-of-state groups helping run anti-Joe Arpaio radio ads on Spanish radio.
Obama Administration Set to Sponsor Two National Health Insurance Options
The national plans will compete directly with other private insurers and may have some significant advantages, including a federal seal of approval.
North Carolina’s Tobacco Workers Stand to Benefit From State’s Strong Farmworker Union
Many tobacco workers are on H2-A visas, but undocumented workers in other sectors of agriculture often enjoy better rights through unionization.
Hyatt Surveils Its Workers Via iPods
What we almost never hear, however, is a real discussion of the place most Americans have their freedoms curtailed: the workplace.
A Part-Time Life, as Hours Shrink and Shift
The new American job: part-time work, part-time pay, part-time living standard.
Paying Taxes to Your Boss: A Step Toward 21st Century Feudalism
Employers are already treating their workers like their subjects. Now some of them get to collect taxes, too.
Fifteen Things Neither Romney Nor Obama Is Brave Enough to Stand For
Despite big differences, there are issues that neither candidate is brave enough to tackle.
Election Countdown 2012: The Media Respond to Richard Mourdock’s “War on Women”, and More
Mission elapsed time: T + 49 and counting* Naturally enough, my symbol for Hell is something like the bureaucracy of a police state or the office of a thoroughly …