As Deadline Looms, Fight Against Student Loan Rate Hike Intensifies
Students across the country struggle for options and alternatives to drowning in student debt for the rest of their lives.
Obama’s Carbon Reduction Plan “Will Guarantee Global Warming Disaster”
Nafeez Ahmed: Environmental activists need to redouble efforts to demand Obama reject Keystone XL, abandon hydrofracking, and adopt tougher emission standards.
LGBT Movement Wins Defeat of DOMA and Prop 8, Fueling Momentum for Next Steps in Fight for Equality
In a historic victory for marriage equality, the US Supreme Court has struck down the Defense of Marriage Act and paved the way for same-sex marriages to resume in …
On the News With Thom Hartmann: Republican Sequester Wreaks Havoc on Our Economy, and More
Yesterday, the Bureau of Economic Analysis announced a huge revision to previous estimates of economic growth.
Rep. Edward Markey Wins John Kerry’s Senate Seat in Massachusetts
Truthout doesn’t take corporate funding - that’s why we’re able to confront the forces of greed and regression. Support us in this mission: make a tax-deductible donation today by …
Rachel Maddow | Texas Senator Thwarts Anti-Abortion Bill
Supreme Court Strikes Down DOMA, Restores Gay Marriage Equality in California
The Supreme Court issued rulings on two landmark marriage equality cases on Wednesday, striking down a federal law that denies federal benefits to same-sex couples married in states that …
After Supreme Court Ruling on Voting Rights, Now It’s Congress’ Turn
Now that a key portion of the 1965 voting rights act has been deemed unconstitutional, it is up to congress to make sure that voting violation are addressed in …
Insider Threat: Government Employees Urged to Tattle On Coworkers in Effort to Stop Classified Leaks
Within the Obama administration a program called
Does the Black Political Class Bear Some Responsibility for SCOTUS Voting Rights Act Decision?
According to Bruce Dixon, black politicians should have pushed for a constitutional amendment to ensure that the VRA never came before the GOP-dominated court.