On the News With Thom Hartmann: Department of Justice Attempts to Use the Courts to Uphold Voting Rights
Thom Hartmann here – on the news... You need to know this. When the Supreme Court struck down Section 4 of the Voting Rights Act last month, Attorney General …
A Winning Agenda That Meets Women’s Economic Needs
A new survey reveals that female voters believe Democrats were better on the economy than Republicans.
Assad Opponents See US Distancing Itself from their Goals in Syria
Syrian opposition leaders say thereu2019s just one way to interpret the U.S. stalling on promised military aid while rebels lose ground: Goodbye, and good luck.
NC Passes Voter Suppression Measures as DOJ Moves to Protect Voting Rights in TX
North Carolina moves the first of many voter restriction laws made possible by SCOTUS' dismantling of the Voting Rights Act.
California Hunger Strikers Enter Third Week, Face Retaliation
On July 8, more than 30,000 prisoners in California refused meals in the third such strike in two years. Prisoners in solitary confinement at Pelican Bay State Prison, some …
John Lewis Marches On
Bill Moyers recounts the history of civil rights activist and Congressman John Lewis in two videos.
Portugal Economy Sinks, State Clings to Bailout’s Austerity Terms
Wouter De Broeck: Creditors breathe a sigh a relief and ordinary people pay big price over deal, while no political party is seen as credible before discontent voters.
Global Power Project, Part 7: Banking on Influence With Citigroup
This big bank has a sordid history of predatory profiteering and criminal activity, not unlike all the other large banks.
US Embassy, DEA Obstructing Investigation Into Drug War Killings in Honduras
The failure to provide answers about what happened last year has shed light on the DEA's questionable methods.
On the News With Thom Hartmann: Alabama Lawmaker Moves to Change State’s Stand Your Ground Law, and More
In today's On the News segment: President Obama spoke at Knox College in Illinois about his vision for the American economy; TEPCO workers in Japan say more steam has …