Six-Month Anniversary of Major Chemical Spill in West Virginia
Russell Mokhiber and Angie Rosser discuss the effects of the West Virginia chemical spill on industry regulation and citizen organizing.
Greek Privatization of Key Sectors Meets Strong Opposition
The Greek government recently announced plans to sell a 30 percent share of its Public Power Corporation (PPC), and create a new Small PPC, which will be sold to …
Investigation Proves NSA Spies on Americans Beyond Metadata Collection
Former NSA whistleblowers J. Kirk Wiebe and Bill Binney discuss how 90 percent of data intercepted by NSA originates from non-targets.
Spied on for Being Muslim? NSA Targets Named in Snowden Leaks Respond to US Government Surveillance
A new report by The Intercept has identified five prominent Muslim Americans who were spied on by the National Security Agency.
China’s Wealthy Getting Richer in a Declining Economy
As the financial sector grows and liberalizes even further, returns to finance and other lucrative industries will only increase, as sectors with lower returns maintain wages barely in keeping …
ALEC Politicians Caught Plagiarizing ALEC Bill, Drafting Error and All
This isn't the first time that ALEC politicians have pushed ALEC legislation without paying much attention.
Activist Yara Faris Released From Syrian Prison
Yara Faris was arrested on December 8, 2013 because she had provided food and assistance to Syrians displaced within their own country as a result of the three-year civil …
Single Mothers Battle On in Former War Zone
Rajan and her son, only seven years old at the time, were among tens of thousands of Tamil civilians trapped in a narrow swath of land in between the …
Rising Voices for a New Economy
In a world where income inequality is squeezing the middle class to the point of oblivion and those with the biggest bank accounts have the loudest voices, two of …
Sugar Plant Removed Safety Device Thirteen Days Before Temp Worker’s Death
Janio Salinas was buried alive in sugar. A newly released accident report and an undercover investigation by Univision reveal the obstacles OSHA faces in its temp worker safety initiative.