Formerly Incarcerated Activist Leads Organization to Mobilize Hearts and Minds for Decarceration
Led by a formerly incarcerated activist, a new national organization is working to reduce the prison population by 50 percent in 15 years.
Mass Die-Off of Fish Underscores Dangers of Palm Oil Industry in Guatemala
The increased commercial popularity of African palm oil has contributed to environmental disasters across Guatemala.
Haiti Marks 100th Anniversary of US Occupation
The US landed in Haiti a century ago, brandishing guns and hoisting the stars and stripes on government buildings.
Police Shoot and Kill Mentally Ill Native American Man
Over half of fatal shootings involve mentally ill people, and Native Americans are statistically more at risk of dying in police shootings.
Say Her Name: Protesters in Chicago Demand Justice for Sandra Bland
“I don't care about the CSI version of how [Sandra Bland] died,” said organizer Mariame Kaba. “The system killed her. The rest is superfluous.”
FDA Examines Whether MRI Drugs Accumulate in Brain Tissue
The agency says doctors should consider limiting MRIs to reduce exposure from certain image-enhancing drugs.
Defending Backpage, Sex Workers Say Removing Online Ads Does Them More Harm
One woman's story reveals why recent crackdowns on websites like Backpage, where sex workers post ads, do more harm than good.
Grocery Chain A&P’s Financial Meltdown Could Leave Thousands of Union Workers Jobless
Plans to dismember the A&P supermarket chain were revealed.
Clean Water Is Another Victim of Syria’s War
About half a million Aleppo residents are at their wits' end trying to collect adequate water for families' daily needs.
Dahr Jamail | Sounds of War: Navy Warplanes Producing Deadly Noise Around US Bases
Residents near military air bases producing “lethal” levels of noise suffer from hearing loss, insomnia, stroke, heart attacks - even death.