News Analysis
Remembering the Censored Death of Gaza Boy Killed in Drone Attack
'Both of Ibrahim's arms were cut off. He had a hole in his lung. Parts of his legs were missing. His kidney was in a bad condition…we need people …
Where the US Republican Presidential Candidates Stand on Peace
Where do the Republican presidential candidates stand on negotiation, mediation, and diplomacy as a means of solving intractable international conflicts? Reading reports about Governors Perry and Romney and Representative …
The High Cost of Low Wages
Republicans have cooled on Texas governor Rick Perry as their great white hope for 2012, but their desire to make the rest of the country look more like Texas …
Obama Taxes the Rich for the Wrong Reasons
President Obama may have opened Pandora's box with his latest tax-the-rich rhetoric, but he'll try to keep the lid half-shut. Truly informing the public about just how rich the …
NAT GAS Act, Which Would Overhaul US Fueling Infrastructure, Moves Forward
On Thursday, the U.S. House Ways and Means Committee's Subcommittee on Select Revenue Measures held a hearing on Energy Tax Policy and Tax Reform.
American Public Relations Firm Hired to Rescue the King of Bahrain
Well, Matt Lauer’s got his hands full. No, not the TV Matt Lauer. The other Matt Lauer. The one who used to do public diplomacy work for …
NLRB Under Heavy Attack
Here they come! The nation's ever-determined anti-labor forces have opened a new front in their battle to seriously weaken the union rights of American workers. …
Coal, Race and Health: The Chicago Clean Power Ordinance
On September 20, 2011, supporters of the Chicago Clean Power Coalition delivered a petition with over 5,000 signatures to Mayor Rahm Emanuel's office, asking him to pass the Chicago …
In Post-Fukushima Reality, What Is the Future, and Who Is Winning It?
Beginning a story with a correction for what might seem a technical detail might not provide the most attention-grabbing lede, but it opens the door to a broader, and …
African Debt: Funny Money and Stolen Lives
The history of finance is littered with examples of the hazards of lending other people’s money and borrowing in other people’s names. Each new meltdown brings fresh reminders that …