Tim Wise on White Resentment in a Multiracial Society
(Photo: Eric Allix Rogers / Flickr) Tim Wise: Yes, of course, although there is also a bit of a uniquely “American” twist. On the one hand, there …
How Empires Fall (Including the American One): A TomDispatch Interview With Jonathan Schell
When Jonathan Schell’s The Unconquerable World, a meditation on the history and power of nonviolent action, was published in 2003, the timing could not have been worse. Americans were …
Who Stole the American Dream in Broad Daylight?
(Image: Connecting the Dots Productions) Mark Karlin: What role did the book “Global Class War” (2006) play in your formulation of the film?
Beautiful Acts of Resistance
Just moments after performing a dramatic final death scene, Palestinian playwright Abdelfattah Abusrour was back on stage delivering an afterword that was no less intense. Speaking softly, Abusrour told …
Archaeologist, Black Feminist Unearths Contributions of African Diaspora, Everyday People
Whitney Battle-Baptiste. (Photo: Every February is Black History Month, which presents many opportunities to explore and contextualize the broader, nuanced and less familiar aspects of what …
Author Walter Mosley on Writing Mystery Novels, Political Revelation, Racism and Pushing Obama
Today in a Black History Month special, we spend the hour with the award-winning author Walter Mosley, who many people were introduced to when Bill Clinton praised his book …
How Financial Crisis, Economic Inequality, Social Media, and More Brought Revolutions in 2011 and Changed Us Forever (2)
We're at an inflection point in history, a shift not just in our politics but our consciousness, says Paul Mason, BBC Newsnight economics editor, author and journalist. …
What Are We Really Eating? Reporter Goes Undercover to Reveal the Real Story of Our Broken Food System
Tracie McMillan's The American Way of Eating: Undercover at Walmart, Applebee's, Farm Fields and the Dinner Table takes us on a vivid and poignant tour of a place we …
Capitalism Makes Us Crazy: Dr. Gabor Maté on Illness and Addiction
Humans have always used drugs, but current level of drug abuse could indicate a bigger problem that we’re driving people into addiction. What’s the connection between the increase in …
How Pop Culture Influences Political Expectations
Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney greets the crowd at a campaign rally in Mesa, Arizona on February 13, 2012. Film historian and culture critic Neal Gabler joins …