
Truthout TV: Laura Flanders on the State of the Nation
The discussion includes Laura's views on economic equality and the war in Afghanistan.

48 Arrested at Keystone Pipeline Protest as Sierra Club Lifts 120-Year Ban on Civil Disobedience
Forty-eight people, including civil rights leader Julian Bond and NASA climate scientist James Hansen, were arrested Wednesday in front of the White House as part of an ongoing protest …

LIBOR Scandal More Than Fraud – Whole Game Is Rigged
Costas Lapavitsas: From multimillion dollar losses by cities like Baltimore to pension fund losses and much more, the LIBOR interest rate scandal shows that such mechanisms must be taken …

Leaked White Paper the “Tip of the Iceberg”: An Interview With Marjorie Cohn About Targeted Killings
Radio host Dennis Bernstein recently interviewed legal scholar and editor Marjorie Cohn on the Pacifica radio network's weekday show, Flashpoints.

Talk Nation Radio: “I Killed People in Afghanistan: Was I Right or Wrong?”
David Swanson talks to US Marine Tim Kudo on the morality of war and the future of military warfare in America.

Nick Turse Describes the Real Vietnam War
Nick Turse describes his efforts to compile a complete and compelling account of the Vietnam War's horror.

North Korea Nuclear Test Sends Message to Washington One Week After US-South Korean War Games
The United Nations Security Council is holding an emergency meeting after North Korea conducted its third-ever nuclear test in defiance of UN orders.

Why Targeted Assassinations Violate US and International Law: An Interview With Legal Scholar Marjorie Cohn
Interview with Professor at the Thomas Jefferson School of Law and former President of the National Lawyers Guild, Marjorie Cohn on targeted assassinations.

Truthout TV with Christopher Petrella: The Legacy of Chattel Slavery, and More
Chris discusses how the GEO Group and Corrections Corporation of America — two of the largest private prison corporations — have changed their corporate status that could classify prisoners …

Henry Giroux: The Necessity of Critical Pedagogy in Dark Times
Truthout's own Henry Giroux discusses pedagogy and the status of education today.