
Truthout Interviews Tanya Lee on Native American Gender-Based Violence
Tanya Lee speaks with Ted Asregadoo about the startlingly high rates of gender-based violence among Native American and Native Alaskan communities and the lack of access the victims of …

US Presidents Reconsidered – By Death Toll
In this interview with Al Carroll, author of “President's Body Counts,” US presidents are reviewed on a wholly new basis - by how many people died under their leadership.

Bishop McNeill of the Center for Freethought Equality: “I See the Day When We Will Elect an Openly Atheist President”
Bishop McNeill is the Political Coordinator for the Center for Free-thought and Equality where his work focuses on achieving equality by protecting the separation of church and state and …

Why Have So Many Ukrainians Fled to Russia?
Journalist Vladislav Gulevich says that many of the 730,000 Ukrainian refugees in Russia see the Ukrainian military as the main threat to their lives.

“A Recipe for Civil War”: Journalist Matthieu Aikins on US Military Legacy and Afghanistan’s Future
Kabul-based journalist Matthieu Aikins talks about the disputed Afghan election, US-backed militias committing war crimes, and the future of the country after the US military drawdown.

Climate Change and Waiting for Bruce Willis
Christopher Williams says capitalism is not capable of facing up to the climate change crisis - and because there won't be a hero that appears to save the day, …

CIA Admits to Spying on Senate but No Prosecutions to Follow
The CIA's inspector general released a report confirming that three of the agency's information technology specialists and two CIA lawyers spied on the computers and communications of the Senate …

New York Police Killing of Eric Garner Spurs Debate on Chokeholds and Filming Officer Misconduct
After a New York City medical examiner rules homicide in the death of Eric Garner at the hands of police, we look at the growing concern over the use …

The Consequences of Reagan Breaking the 1981 Air Traffic Controllers Strike
Professor Joseph McCartin and former PATCO spokesperson Elliot Simons discuss the anniversary of the firing of 11,000 air traffic controllers and why it matters today.

Likely Solution for a Lasting Cease-Fire Was on the Table Before Israeli Assault and More Than 1,800 Dead
Is a lasting ceasefire in Gaza possible - and on what terms? Nathan Thrall has laid out a possible plan for a ceasefire in his new article in the …