
Why I Choose Optimism Over Despair: An Interview With Noam Chomsky
Noam Chomsky discusses his latest book and why humans have a clear choice in choosing solidarity and hope over pessimism.

Who Endorsed Hillary Clinton? The Congressional Black Caucus or Its PAC Filled With Lobbyists?
This week's endorsement of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for president by the Congressional Black Caucus political action committee prompted some confusion due to a lack of familiarity …

Yanis Varoufakis on the Origins of the European and Global Economic Crisis
In this video, acTVism Munich interviews Yanis Varoufakis, a world renowned economist who was a former member of the Greek parliament.

Could Unelected Superdelegates Give Clinton the Nomination Even if Sanders Wins the Primaries?
Sander and Clinton split the delegates evenly thanks to unelected superdelegates siding with the former secretary of state.

Sanders Win Reveals Deep Divide Between Voters and Democratic Party Leaders
Arnie Arnesen, longtime radio and TV host in New Hampshire, discusses the results of Tuesday's primary.

The Secret Deaths of Dozens at Privatized Immigrant-Only Jails
A shocking new investigation about private prisons has revealed dozens of men have died in disturbing circumstances inside these facilities.

Trump Leads GOP Charge Embracing Torture: “I’d Bring Back Worse Than Waterboarding”
In the final debate before Tuesday's primary in New Hampshire, Republican presidential contenders battled it out Saturday night at Saint Anselm College.

Capitalism, Slavery, Racism and Imprisonment of People of Color Cannot Be Separated
Author Dennis Childs discusses how a clause within the US Constitution's 13th Amendment ushered in a system of “neoslavery.”

In Europe, Are the Chemical Industry’s Interests Taking Precedence Over People’s Lives?
Journalist Stephane Horel discusses how industry lobbies have delayed the regulation of substances known to cause health problems.

Sanders and Clinton Spar on 2002 Iraq Vote, Clinton Praises Henry Kissinger
During Thursday's debate in New Hampshire, while Sanders conceded Clinton has more experience in foreign affairs, he questioned her judgment.