
The System Is Rigged Against Regular People
In their new book, “Nation on the Take,” Wendell Potter and Nick Penniman portray a government and politics polluted by big corporate dollars. But the authors also offer solutions.

How to Create a Tiny House Village
Build a community of interested parties around you and find people who can and want to help.

“Donald Trump Scares Me”: Ex-GOP Lawmaker on the ’16 Race, Climate Denialism and the Supreme Court
Mickey Edwards' analysis of the nation's current political situation may surprise you.

Dahr Jamail | Antarctica on the Brink: NASA Emeritus Scientist Warns of Dramatic Loss of Glaciers
After 35 years at NASA, Robert Bindschadler says we should expect the loss of most of the globe's land glaciers by 2100.

Could Someone Be Killed at a Trump Rally? St. Louis Activist Speaks Out on Friday Campaign Chaos
In St. Louis, Missouri, another Trump rally made headlines Friday when 31 people were arrested.

Thanks to Jim Crow Era Law, One in Four Black Adults Can’t Vote in Florida’s Primary
Florida has the highest number of disenfranchised voters.

Dogmas of Our Economic System Must Change, Says Former Economic Hit Man
Author John Perkins discusses how “economic hit men” today are even more entrenched in the US political system.

The University of California Must Divest From Private Prisons
The University of California, like other universities across the country, has become a battleground in the struggle against neoliberalism.

Ray McGovern on the CIA, Torture and Blowing the Whistle
McGovern talks about his experience in the CIA and the reasons that led him to become an activist.

As Trump Calls Himself “Very, Very Pro-Israel,” Rubio and Cruz Accuse Him of Being Too Neutral
At the Republican debate in Miami, Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz and John Kasich all came out opposing any negotiations between the Israelis and Palestinians.