
Naomi Klein: Trump Is Not the Crisis — He Is the Symptom of the Crisis
In every space where the right is not in control — universities, cities, states — we have to step up, says author Naomi Klein.

Cholera Death Toll Tops 859 in War-Torn Yemen as US-Backed Saudi Assault Continues
In Yemen, a civilian is dying nearly every hour from a massive cholera outbreak.

Puerto Rico Backs Statehood in Referendum Boycotted by Opposition Groups
Tens of thousands turned out Sunday for the National Puerto Rican Day Parade in New York.

Organizations Representing Corporations Pass Regressive Legislation in the Shadows
Corporations have pushed legislation in state governments, often bypassing Congress, explains political economist Gordon Lafer.

Henry A. Giroux on James Comey’s Senate Hearing
Henry A. Giroux discusses former FBI Director James Comey's testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee on Thursday.

Jeremy Corbyn Rides Leftist Tide in UK Election in Rebuke of Austerity and Conservatives
Journalists Paul Mason and Mehdi Hasan discuss the election in the UK.

Knock Every Door: Volunteer Canvassers Build Infrastructure for Progressive Takeover
Deep canvassing is the most durable strategy in terms of persuading people, says KnockEveryDoor cofounder Becky Bond.

Oscar LĂłpez Rivera Speaks Out on Newfound Freedom, Becoming Politicized and Decolonizing Puerto Rico
On May 17, Lopez Rivera was released from prison.

Attackers in Tehran Kill 12 and Injure Dozens More as US Deliberately Worsens Iran-Saudi Relations
Trita Parsi, founder and president of the National Iranian American Council, discusses rising Iran-Saudi relations amid an attack in Tehran.

Opioid Crisis Now Leading Cause of Death for Americans Under 50
Dr. Andrew Kolodny, co-director of opioid policy research at Brandeis University, discusses how Big Pharma contributes to the ongoing opioid crisis.