
When Was the US Ever an Honest Broker?
CounterSpin interview with Phyllis Bennis on Jerusalem move.

As Trump Attacks Media With “Fake News” Claims, a Record 262 Reporters Are Jailed, 46 Killed in 2017
President Donald Trump has waged a relentless campaign to discredit journalists in the United States.

Concerns Raised About $1 Billion Facial Scan Program With High Error Rate at Nine US Airports
A new facial scan tool has an high error rates and is subject to bias.

Jamie Lowe on Her Experience With Bipolar Disorder and the Drugs That Manage It
Mental illness is still associated with social stigma despite affecting tens of millions of Americans.

“Bussed Out”: How Cities Are Giving Thousands of Homeless People One-Way Bus Tickets to Leave Town
A major new investigation by The Guardian examined how cities are struggling to solve the problem of homelessness.

Former Federal Judge: Trump Is Packing the Courts With Unqualified Conservative Extremists
Judge Shira Scheindlin discusses more.

Outgoing New York City Council Speaker on Her Work to Close Rikers, Expand Living Wage, Protect Immigrants
Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito discusses her time on the New York City Council.

Any Shame Around Poverty Lies With the Society That Perpetuates It, Not the Poor
A society that allows poverty needs to be fixed.

The GOP Tax Bill Is an Attack on Those With Disabilities
CounterSpin interviews Rebecca Cokley, a senior fellow of disability policy at the Center for American Progress.

How a Culture of Fear Helped Propel Trump Into the White House
Media outlets and corporations profit from our fears.