
Toxic Coal Ash Is Being Dumped in Puerto Rico, Which Already Suffers Worst Drinking Water in the Nation
Even before Hurricane Maria, the majority of Puerto Rico's residents lived with water that violated US health standards.

After Victorious Strike, West Virginia Teacher Sends Message to Oklahoma Educators Poised to Walk Out
Teresa Danks, a third-grade teacher in Tulsa, discusses organization in the state.

Texas Primaries See Surging Democratic Turnout and Record Number of Female Candidates
Mike Barajas, staff writer for The Texas Observer, discusses more.

Poor People’s Campaign Launches Nationwide Organizing Effort to Fight Poverty
Fifty years later, a new Poor People's Campaign connects religious faith to social justice.

Activists Storm Washington, Demanding Protection for All Immigrants
Activists say it is past time to pass a clean DREAM Act.

Sen. Chris Murphy: The US Is Exporting Violence and Killing Civilians in Illegal War in Yemen
A new bill would force Congress to vote on whether to continue US support for the Saudi-led coalition's war in Yemen.

Lori Wallach and Michael Hudson Debate Trump’s Plan to Impose Steel and Aluminum Tariffs
Trump sent shockwaves across the globe and sparking fear of impending economic volatility.

“The Oscars Are Still So White”: While Awards Project Diversity, Most Winners Remain White Men
The vast majority of Oscars went to white men, despite years of activism demanding increased racial and gender diversity.

From Coal Miners to Teachers: West Virginia Continues to Lead Radical Labor Struggle in the US
For decades, West Virginia has been at the forefront of labor activism in the United States.

The Leaked Rule That Could Ban Immigrants Based on Income, Explained by Experts
Trump is taking another swing at immigrants.