
As Bolsonaro Threatens Crackdown on Protest, Resistance Emerges in Brazil
How will Brazil's election affect social movements, the environment and democracy across Latin America?

Trump Has Pushed to Eliminate Birthright Citizenship for Years
Martha Jones, professor of history at Johns Hopkins University, discusses more.

How “Blue Lives Matter” Bill Paved Way for Racist Shooting in Kentucky
As a community mourns last week's racist killings in Kentucky, local leaders speak out.

White Supremacist Ideology and Conspiracies Have Fueled US Domestic Terror
Lois Beckett, a senior reporter for the Guardian, discusses more.

The GOP Tax Cuts Are Already Hurting Social Security
The higher federal deficits caused by the cuts will be used by the GOP to attack Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.

Trump and the GOP Have Blood on Their Hands for Pittsburgh Synagogue Shooting
This is believed to be the worst anti-Semitic attack in US history.

Brazil Has Elected the “Most Extremist Leader in the Democratic World”
Glenn Greenwald, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist, discusses more.

How Can You Talk to Kids About Factory Farming? These Books Can Help.
Two children’s books inspire conversations about where our food comes from by drawing on our compassion.

“The US Immigration System Is Inherently Abusive, Violent and Racist”
Detention is inhumane regardless of who sits in the White House.

Saudi Ties to US Universities Under Question Amid Khashoggi Crisis
US universities are facing new scrutiny over their close ties to Saudi Arabia.