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Author Bios

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Christopher Famighetti

Ian Vandewalker serves as counsel for the Brennan Center’s Democracy Program where he works on voting rights and campaign finance reform. Prior to joining the Brennan Center, he served …
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Laura Garcia

Laura Garcia is an Education Outreach Intern at YES! and a graduate of the program in Political Science and International Relations at Saint Louis University. Molly Rusk is an …
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John J. Pippin

Dr. Pippin is a Dallas physician and reformed animal researcher who testified in support of ending chimpanzee research before the Institute of Medicine in May 2011.
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Ronald Saff

Ronald Saff, MD, is a Tallahassee, Florida-based asthma and allergy physician, award-winning longtime ALA volunteer, and former ALA board member.  Maura Stephens is a journalist and cofounder of the …
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Ben-Zion Ptashnik

Ben Ptashnik directs national campaign efforts for the National Election Defense Coalition. He is a two-term Vermont State Senator and 45-year activist and organizer working in the antiwar, civil rights, environmental, …
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Glenn R Bergmann

Bergmann and Moore are principals in the law firm Bergmann & Moore, LLC, which was founded in 2004 and is managed by former VA litigators representing veterans and their …