Author Bios

Marwan Mohammed.

Joseph R Moore
Bergmann and Moore are principals in the law firm Bergmann & Moore, LLC, which was founded in 2004 and is managed by former VA litigators representing veterans and their …

William Blueher
William Blueher and James Hoff are members of Socialist Alternative and the NYC chapter of 15 Now.

James Hoff
William Blueher and James Hoff are members of Socialist Alternative and the NYC chapter of 15 Now.

Jeffrey R. Di Leo
Jeffrey R. Di Leo is Dean of the School of Arts and Sciences and Professor of English and Philosophy at the University of Houston-Victoria. He is editor and founder …

Davison Mudzingwa

Francis Hweshe

Betsy Krause
Betsy Krause is an anthropology professor at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. Massimo Bressan is president of IRIS, a social and economic research institute in Prato.

Massimo Bressan
Betsy Krause is an anthropology professor at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. Massimo Bressan is president of IRIS, a social and economic research institute in Prato.

Carmen G. Gonzalez
Carmen G. Gonzalez is a professor of law at Seattle University School of Law. She holds a BA in political science from Yale University and a JD from Harvard …