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Author Bios

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Joe Richard

Joe Richards is an activist in Wisconsin and a member of the International Socialist Organization. Ruth Hurley is a labor activist from New York.
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Ruth Hurley

Joe Richards is an activist in Wisconsin and a member of the International Socialist Organization. Ruth Hurley is a labor activist from New York.
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Grace Dunham

Grace Dunham is a writer and activist from New York City. Their new project,, is a crowdfunding platform for queer and trans people in jail, prison and detention.
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Tasha Amezcua

Tasha Amezcua, Ejeris Dixon and Che J. Rene Long are founding coordinators of the Safe OUTside the System (SOS) collective. To learn more about the SOS Collective and our …
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Che J. Rene Long

Tasha Amezcua, Ejeris Dixon and Che J. Rene Long are founding coordinators of the Safe OUTside the System (SOS) collective. To learn more about the SOS Collective and our …
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Joshua J. Exoo

Calvin F. Exoo is the Munsil Professor of government at St. Lawrence University. Joshua J. Exoo is adjunct assistant professor of the first-year program and Commons College at St. …
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Sampie Terreblanche

Sampie Terreblanche is professor emeritus of economics at Stellenbosch University. Professor Drucilla Cornell and Professor Mabogo More are co-founders of the African Institute for Global Social Thought.  
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Drucilla Cornell

Sampie Terreblanche is professor emeritus of economics at Stellenbosch University. Professor Drucilla Cornell and Professor Mabogo More are co-founders of the African Institute for Global Social Thought.  
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Mabogo More

Sampie Terreblanche is professor emeritus of economics at Stellenbosch University. Professor Drucilla Cornell and Professor Mabogo More are co-founders of the African Institute for Global Social Thought.  
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Michael Edwards

Michael Edwards is a writer and activist based in upstate New York, and the editor of Transformation. He worked at the Ford Foundation between 1999 and 2008. Visit his website: …