Author Bios

Steven Chovanec
Steven Chovanec is an independent journalist based in Chicago, Illinois. His writings have appeared in outlets, such as The Hill, teleSUR, Truthout, MintPress News, Insurge-Intelligence and others. Follow him …

Bobbi Dempsey
Bobbi Dempsey is a freelance writer from blue-collar Pennsylvania coal country who frequently writes about poverty, income inequality and other money issues affecting the working class. You can read …

Maria McFarland Sánchez-Moreno
Maria McFarland Sánchez-Moreno is the executive director of the Drug Policy Alliance. Previously, she held several positions at Human Rights Watch, including as the organization's senior Americas researcher, covering Colombia …

Morgan Currie
Morgan Currie is a postdoctoral fellow at the Digital Civil Society Lab at Stanford University.

Britt S. Paris
Britt S. Paris is a Ph.D. student in information studies at the University of California, Los Angeles.

Michael Rembis
Michael Rembis is an associate professor in the Department of History and director of the Center for Disability Studies at the University at Buffalo (SUNY). He has written or …

Anne Parsons
Anne Parsons is an assistant professor of history at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, where she serves as the director of public history. Her book From Asylum to …

Audrey M. Provenzano
Audrey M. Provenzano is a general internist and instructor of medicine at Harvard University.

Marcello Musto
Marcello Musto is Associate Professor of Sociological Theory at York University, Toronto – Canada. His writings – available at – have been published worldwide in more than twenty languages.

Mehreen Kasana
Mehreen Kasana is a news writer for AlterNet. Previously, she worked as the front-page editor for the Huffington Post. Follow her on Twitter at @mehreenkasana.