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Author Bios

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Maximillian Alvarez

Maximillian Alvarez is a columnist for The Baffler and dual-Ph.D. candidate in history and comparative literature at the University of Michigan. He also co-founded the Ann Arbor chapter of …
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Madison Hardee

Madison Hardee is a contributor to Campaign for America's Future.
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Peter Bakvis

Peter Bakvis directs the Washington, DC, office of the International Trade Union Confederation, which represents 180 million workers in 162 countries.
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Amy Siskind

Amy Siskind is a national spokesperson, writer and expert on helping women and girls advance and succeed. A former Wall Street executive, she is president and do-founder of The …
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Alexandra Moore

Alexandra Moore is a professor of Human Rights in Literary and Cultural Studies, Binghamton University, State University of New York.
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Deshani Gunathilake

Deshani Gunathilake is an advocate for Young Voices and a freelance writer who lives and works in Washington, DC. She writes about human rights and civil liberties and can be …
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Carlos Perez

Carlos Perez is a contributor to Socialist Worker.
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Devan Shea

Devan Shea is a graduate student at the Goldman School of Public Policy at the University of California, Berkeley, and the communications coordinator at the Food Labor Research Center.
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Elizabeth King

Elizabeth King is an independent journalist based in Chicago.