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Author Bios

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Nicole Braun

Nicole Braun is an adjunct sociology professor in northern Michigan.
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Linda Kramer Jenning

Linda Kramer Jenning is an independent journalist and past president of Journalism and Women Symposium. She often writes about women and politics.
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Helen Flannery

Helen Flannery is an associate fellow at the Institute for Policy Studies (IPS). She is co-author with Josh Hoxie of the IPS report “Warehousing Wealth.”
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Maxwell Schulman

Maxwell Schulman is a sophomore majoring in political science at Vanderbilt University. He is currently the opinion editor at Tennessee’s oldest newspaper, the Vanderbilt Hustler, an intern at Evan Guthrie Law Firm and …
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Stephanie Farmer

Stephanie Farmer is an Associate Professor of Sociology at Roosevelt University.
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Emma Tai

Emma Tai is the executive director of United Working Families.
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Rebecca Cokley

Rebecca Cokley is the director of the Disability Justice Initiative at American Progress, where her work focuses on disability policy.
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Dennis A. Kramer II

Dennis A. Kramer II is an Assistant Professor of Education Policy at the University of Florida.