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Hilary Boudet

Hilary Boudet is associate professor of sociology at the School of Public Policy at Oregon State University.
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Shawn Olson-Hazboun

Shawn Olson-Hazboun is an environmental sociologist at The Evergreen State College in Olympia, Washington. She teaches courses in environmental justice, energy, and society and research methods. Her research examines …
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Anna Kusmer

Anna Kusmer is a freelance writer and public radio journalist specializing in science, environment and health. 
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Anti-ICE Nine

The members of the Anti-ICE Nine are Megan Ybarra, Helena Benedict, Ross Kirshenbaum, Kelsen Caldwell, Max Friedfeld, Vik DeMarco, Sareni Ruiz, Eva Rose Dougherty and Noel Sherrard.
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Roderick A. Ferguson

Roderick A. Ferguson is a professor of African American and gender and women's studies at the University of Illinois at Chicago.
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Karl Evers-Hillstrom

Karl Evers-Hillstrom joined the Center for Responsive Politics as its money-in-politics reporter in October 2018. A native of Brooklyn, New York, Karl graduated from the State University of New …
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Dominic Marcella

Dominic Marcella is a freelance writer in New York City. Dominic currently works for “The Laura Flanders Show” and has an MA in Humanities and Social Thought from New …
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Mary O’Connor Mack

Mary O’Connor Mack is a member of the Boston-based Right Care Alliance. Follow Mary on Twitter.
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Young Mie Kim

Young Mie Kim is a professor in the School of Journalism and Mass Communication and a faculty affiliate of the Department of Political Science at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.