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Author Bios

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Pep Canadell

Pep Canadell is a research scientist in CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere, and the Executive Director of the Global Carbon Project, an international research project to study the interactions between …
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Donovan Hicks

Donovan Hicks is the research associate for the Poverty to Prosperity Program at American Progress.
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Gennie Gebhart

Gennie Gebhart conducts and manages research and advocacy for the Electronic Frontier Foundation on consumer privacy, surveillance and security issues. Her work revolves around the conviction that, as access …
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Bennett Cyphers

Bennett Cyphers is an engineer on the Tech Projects team at Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), where he works on Privacy Badger and HTTPS Everywhere. Before EFF, Bennett was at Access Now and …
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Christine Corlet Walker

Christine Corlet Walker is a Ph.D. candidate in ecological economics at the University of Surrey.
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Caroline Preston

Caroline Preston is a senior editor at The Hechinger Report. She previously worked as a features editor with Al Jazeera America's digital team and a senior reporter with The …
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Carey Gillam

Carey Gillam is a journalist and author of Whitewash: The Story of a Weed Killer, Cancer and the Corruption of Science. She's also a researcher for U.S. Right to Know, a nonprofit …
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Rick Stafford

Rick Stafford is a professor of marine biology and conservation at Bournemouth University. His current work combines ecology, statistics and models, economics, politics and policy, and an understanding of …
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Ben Fountain

Ben Fountain’s Beautiful Country Burn Again: Democracy, Rebellion, and Revolution has just been published by Ecco/HarperCollins. He is the author of a novel, Billy Lynn’s Long Halftime Walk, which received the National …