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Author Bios

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Jason Dearen

Jason Dearen is a contributor to The Associated Press.
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Melissa Lewis

Melissa Lewis is a data reporter for Reveal. Prior to joining Reveal, she was a data editor at The Oregonian, a data engineer at Simple and a data analyst …
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Jennifer Selin

Jennifer L. Selin is a Kinder Institute assistant professor of constitutional democracy at the University of Missouri.
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Ryan McCarthy

Ryan McCarthy edits stories for ProPublica’s “Electionland,” focusing on voting rights, election security and misinformation.
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Emmaia Gelman

Emmaia Gelman is a professor in social sciences at Sarah Lawrence College and director of the Institute for the Critical Study of Zionism.
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Andom Ghebreghiorgis

Andom Ghebreghiorgis is a former New York City special education teacher who was recently a Democratic candidate for Congress in New York’s 16th District.
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Penny Venetis

Penny M. Venetis is the Dickinson R. Debevoise Scholar at Rutgers Law School, where she is a clinical professor of law and the director of the International Human Rights …
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Justin Vassallo

Justin Vassallo is a freelance writer who specializes in political parties and coalitions, political economy, American development, and modern Europe.
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Sara Myklebust

Sara Myklebust is the Research Director for the Bargaining for the Common Good network, based at Georgetown University’s Kalmanovitz Initiative for Labor and the Working Poor.