Mark Faulk
Mark Faulk is a lifelong political/social activist, journalist, filmmaker and author. Research from Faulk’s bestselling book, The Naked Truth: Investing in the Stock Play of a Lifetime was integral in the DOJ issuing criminal indictments for 15 individuals in an international stock fraud case. He was the writer, associate producer and field director of The Wall Street Conspiracy, a major independent documentary about financial fraud, which premiered in New York City in 2012. Mark Faulk has been a contributor to Truthout, Financial Wire, The Huffington Post and the prestigious Capco Journal of Financial Transformation. In 2014, he ran a grassroots campaign for the Oklahoma Legislature, and despite being outspent 10-1, lost by less than 100 votes. He latest documentary, Voices in a Jailhouse, a scathing exposé of the prison industrial complex, is due to be released in 2016.