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Scandal-Plagued Congressman to Give Ethics Lecture to Crowd of Lobbyists

Jerry Lewis won’t run for re-election and is already scouting job opportunities at lobbying firms.

Congressman Jerry Lewis (R-CA) has faced years upon years of scandal: FBI investigations over corrupt land deals, ties to the Duke Cunningham bribery scandal, pay-to-play earmarks, and even a small controversy over his attempt to solicit lobbyists to finance his official portrait.

Later this month, American League of Lobbyists is hosting an event on “Effective and Ethical Lobbying.” The lecture is led by none other than Jerry Lewis and his colleague Congressman Norm Dicks (D-WA).

The invitation makes no mention of Lewis’ scandal-plagued history. The website touts him as a top appropriator who has been “active on a wide-ranging set of issues including, among others, defense, NASA, and the environment.”

View a screen shot below:

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Dicks isn’t the perfect member to lecture on ethics, either. A Washington Times investigation found that defense contractors gave generously to a charitable foundation that aided projects favored by the congressman. Dicks has been a senior appropriations member for defense issues for several years.

Still, Lewis stands out as one of the most ironic choices to keynote an event on ethics.

Although Lewis announced that this term will be his last, he might be staying in Washington. A story earlier this year indicated that Lewis is surveying K Street lobbying firms for a potential gig after he retires.

Rather than lecturing the American League of Lobbyists, maybe he’s interviewing for a job?

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