Hostage-Takers in the Senate
As most of us are preparing for the holidays a small clique in the Senate, with their collaborators in the Washington punditry, are planning for a dramatic hostage-taking event. …
Bazooka Joe: Lieberman’s Comic Health-Care Ploy
A decade ago, Joe Lieberman was a source of great pride for American Jews. Now Jews (who voted 78 percent for Barack Obama) are debating a critical …
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Obama Considers Illinois Prison for Guantanamo Detainees
The Obama administration is eyeing a practically vacant prison in western Illinois to house terrorism suspects transferred from the Guantanamo Bay detention facility, following its closure. Top Democrats, including …
The Palin Effect: How Sarah Palin Destroyed the Republican Party
Sarah Palin's heavily publicized book tour begins in earnest this Monday, but weeks before, her ghostwritten memoir, Going Rogue: An American Life, had already vaulted into the number one …
The Democrats
Democratic leaders have said that the turn-around on abortion contained in the House health-reform bill will not appear in the final version. The author, a Women’s Media Center board …
Girldrive: Talking to 200-Plus Women About the F Word
Chicago-based author Nona Willis Aronowitz says that her mom, Ellen Willis, “raised me feminist,” and “I grew up thinking that I could do anything.” It wasn't, though, until after …
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Leaders Agree to Delay a Deal on Climate Change
President Obama and other world leaders have decided to put off the difficult task of reaching a climate change agreement at a global climate conference scheduled for next month, …
Meat, Culture and Climate
In his autobiography, Gandhi relates what he calls a “tragedy.” When he was a teenager, his best friend wanted to accustom him to eating meat. Gandhi's family belonged to …
British Authorities Probing New Claims Soldiers Tortured, Raped Iraqi Prisoners
Britain's Ministry of Defense has launched an investigation into new claims that soldiers sexually abused Iraqi detainees and subjected them to mock executions, hooding, and used dogs to …
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David Sirota | Where Are the Real Deficit Hawks?
Let's say you're a congressperson or tea party leader looking to champion deficit reduction — a cause 38 percent of Americans tell pollsters they support. And let's say you're …