Robert Reich | Slouching Toward Health Care Reform
“Don't make the perfect the enemy of the better,” says the President and congressional insiders when confronted with the sorry spectacle of a health-care bill whose scope and ambition …
Biden to Unveil Broadband Expansion Projects to Boost Jobs
Vice President Biden goes to Georgia Thursday to announce $182 million in stimulus grants for increasing broadband access to homes and businesses in 17 states. A total of …
Report Reveals Scope of Government Contracting
According to a new government report, more than 50 percent of the Department of Defense workforces are military contractors and the Obama administration's troop surge in Afghanistan is set …
Global Economic Apartheid Is Obstacle to Fair Climate Deal
Copenhagen - “Climate change is an opportunity to deal with all the issues of equity and justice that we have been struggling for all along,” said Kumi Naidoo, Executive …
Obama Administration Launches Open Government Initiative
As part of the Obama administration's plan to change the culture of secrecy in Washington, the White House last week issued the Open Government Directive, requiring federal agencies to …
Washington for Sale?
Airtime: Friday, December 18, 2009, at 9:00 PM (EST) on PBS (check local listings here).
Stimulus II: Congress Ponders Aid for Cash-Strapped States
Washington - Washington soon could come to the aid of California, New York and other cash-strapped states that face the need to raise taxes or cut spending again next …
The World’s First Meaningful Billboard Tax Passes in Toronto
Corporate creep, the profit-minded takeover of public space, is not unlike a roach infestation: stomach-churning, not pretty, and always a losing battle. Yet the battle rages on. The issues …
Voting-Machine Firms’ Merger Sparks Anti-Trust Investigation in Florida
Florida's attorney general is investigating a voting-machine company merger that has voting-rights groups worried that the move will concentrate too much power over democracy in one private company. …
Ask Questions Later: Victims Are Too Often Deported
Editors Note: This story is the fourth in a five-part series by the Kansas City Star. Part one in this special investigation provided an overview of a broken US …