E.J. Dionne Jr. | Progressives: Don’t Scream, ORGANIZE (2)
Washington - For progressives, the question on the health care battle going forward is not whether they have a right to be angry but whether they can direct their …
Peace Activists to Set Up Encampment in Washington
In August of 2005, Cindy Sheehan, who had lost her son in Iraq, set up camp outside George Bush's vacation home in Crawford, Texas. She had a simple question; …
Women Soldiers in Iraq Who Become Pregnant Face Court-Martial
Update: Maj. Gen. Anthony Cucolo responds to Truthout's report. Under a controversial new Army policy, female soldiers serving in northern Iraq may face a court-martial and possible jail time …
Foreign Interpreters Hurt in Battle Find US Insurance Benefits Wanting
After the invasion of Iraq in March 2003, the U.S. military discovered that rebuilding the country and confronting an insurgency required a weapon not in its arsenal: Thousands of …
The Nelson “Compromise:" What It Will Cost Us
The weeks-long soap opera of finding 60 votes for the Senate health reform bill came to an end yesterday when Democrats “compromised” with Senator Ben Nelson (D-NE) on language …
Lawrence S. Wittner | In War, Winners Can Be Losers
Thus far, most of the supporters and opponents of escalating the U.S. war in Afghanistan have focused on whether or not it is possible to secure a military victory …
Copenhagen Accord: “Essential Beginning” to Some, Shaky Foundation to Others
Copenhagen, Denmark — Ministers from more than 190 countries approved a new climate agreement today that lays out emissions-control objectives for the US and a range of developing countries, …
The Energy Crisis: A Conversation With Jonathan Schell About Invigorating the Climate Movement
Last June was the 27th anniversary of one of the largest protests in history, when upwards of one million people gathered on the Great Lawn in New York’s Central …
Plight of Contractor Raped in Iraq Spurs Push in Congress (2)
Washington — Four years ago, Jamie Leigh Jones, a 20-year old Texas contract employee working in Iraq, was drugged, stripped, beaten and gang-raped by her co-workers on her fourth …
Debunking California’s Water Myths
Myths have been surfacing in recent months about California's water crisis, becoming so serious that the state's Public Policy Institute (PPIC) was forced to address the issue in a …