A Few Answers for Those Global Warming Skeptics
If you are like me, you probably have encountered a few people that do not believe global warming exists, or, if they do, they are not always convinced that …
Joe Conason | The GOP’s Double Standard on Terror Trials
Preparing for what they hope will be their return to power in Washington, Republican congressional leaders have revived the fear-mongering and flag-flapping used by Karl Rove to win the …
Robert Scheer | Wall Street Wants a Refund
“Buyer's remorse” is the way Sen. John Cornyn, the Senate Republicans' fundraiser, gleefully refers to Wall Street moguls' current disenchantment with the U.S. president they thought they had bought. …
E.J. Dionne Jr. | The Tea Party’s Radicalism
Washington - So what exactly is the Tea Party movement and why has it risen up? The ferocity of its opposition to President Obama is mystifying to political progressives. …
Former Texas Rep. Charlie Wilson Dies at 76
Dallas - Charlie Wilson, the former U.S. congressman from Texas whose funding of Afghanistan's resistance to the Soviet Union was chronicled in the movie “Charlie Wilson's War,” has died. …
The National Anthem – and Why We Need Health Care Reform So Desperately
My health insurer here in California is Anthem Blue Cross. When I first opted for it, it was just called Blue Cross. Then, a year or so back, I …
If Michael Moore Were to Run for President
If Michael Moore were to run for president in 2012, it could be a game changer in American political life. For starters, it would likely shorten the war in …
AIG-Gate: The World’s Greatest Insurance Heist
Rumor has it that Timothy Geithner is on his way out as Treasury Secretary due to his involvement in the AIG scandal that is now unraveling in hearings before …
Jim Hightower | Corporate Welfare Roulette
One thing that governors and mayors absolutely love to do is win a prize in the national game called “Corporate Welfare Roulette.” It's a simple casino-style game in which …
US’ Expanded Weapons Stockpiling in Israel
Sameh Habeeb, a young, independent, Palestinian journalist, lived in a modest house in the middle of Gaza City in December 2008. From his bedroom window, Habeeb reported to international …