
Fish Caught Near Fukushima Exceeds Limit of Radioactive Cesium by 180 Times
The fish was caught near a drainage outlet where water will be treated and released from the power plant next month.

Trump’s Attacks on the Legal System Are a Preview of How He Plans to Govern
When Trump says that he wants to concentrate power in the hands of the president, you’d better believe it.

House GOP Proposes Cheaper Health Care at the Cost of Consumer Protections
The bills could allow more employers to bypass Affordable Care Act basic benefit requirements and most state standards.

Israeli Parliament Passes Part of Reforms Popularly Opposed as “Judicial Coup”
The reforms could eliminate remaining barriers to expanding settlements and further rolling back Palestinians' rights.

North Carolina GOP’s Plan to Hijack Elections Should Concern Voters Everywhere
North Carolina Republicans wrote the playbook for GOP-controlled legislatures. Now they’re planning a bigger power grab.

Carbon Budget to Limit Temperature Rise Ticks Away as Climate Clock Drops Below Six Years
As much of the Northern Hemisphere faces extreme heat, time is running out to restrict global temperature rise to 1.5°C.

We Can’t Tackle Gun Violence Until We Address Racial Inequity
Years of abandonment of working-class Black communities and incredible wealth inequality lies at the root of this issue.

House Democrats Call Out “Racist Tropes” in New Florida K-12 History Curriculum
Florida's mandated instruction that people benefited from skills gained in slavery has drawn national attention.

Indigenous Remains Destroyed as Federal Studies Undermine Repatriation Efforts
Federal funds have created incentives for institutions to hold on to ancestral remains, subverting the goals of NAGPRA.

Mexico’s Migrant Shelters Are Operating at 900% Capacity Due to US Border Policy
The end of Title 42 obscures a harsh reality: New policies have created a dangerous limbo for migrants in Mexico.