
Corporate Media Eulogize Kissinger as a Statesman Instead of a War Criminal
During his stint in government, Henry Kissinger supervised policies that took the lives of at least 3 million people.

The US Has Supplied Israel With Over 70,000 Weapons Since 1950, Report Finds
Experts have said U.S. arms represent a significant proportion of the weapons being used by Israeli forces in Gaza.

Palestinian Shooting Victim Says Violence He Faced Is “Part of a Larger Story”
“This hideous crime did not happen in a vacuum,” said 20-year-old Hisham Awartani.

Forcibly Displaced Siekopai People Celebrate the Return of Their Stolen Land
A new ruling marks the first time an Ecuadorian court has ordered the return of land stolen from Indigenous people.

Report: Just 10 Senators Own Up to $1.2 Million in Individual Big Oil Stocks
The top Republican on the Environment and Public Works Committee owns stock in Exxon, Chevron and Shell.

White House Moves to Create “Free-Flowing Pipeline” of Weapons to Israel
White House officials are seeking to remove safeguards on a U.S. stockpile of weapons in Israel.

As Santos Faces Expulsion Vote, Will Movement to Oust Menendez Gain Traction?
George Santos’s days in Congress are numbered. But Chuck Schumer remains silent on corrupt Sen. Bob Menendez.

COP28 Must Address the US Military as World’s Largest Institutional Emitter
The U.S. military industry is both a cause and a consequence of climate change.

WI Bills Would Require Libraries to Tell Parents What Books Their Kids Check Out
Librarians say the GOP bills would restrict children’s ability to research topics in a safe environment.

I Faced Death by Incarceration. The UN Heard My Plea to Abolish Life Sentences.
The United Nations is calling on the U.S. to abolish life without parole prison sentences.