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New Legislation Would Expose the Financiers of the Capitol Siege

The Capitol breach should lead to greater accountability for political leaders — and their wealthy financial backers.

Trump loyalists storm the U.S. Capitol following a rally with President Donald Trump on January 6, 2021, in Washington, D.C.

Throughout his scorching indictment of President Trump, lead impeachment manager Jamie Raskin wove in quotes from eminent historic minds, including this one from his late father, Institute for Policy Studies Co-founder Marcus Raskin:

“Democracy needs a ground to stand on and that ground is the truth.”

Raskin’s trial team exposed a great deal of truth as they methodically made the case that Trump was “singularly responsible” for inciting the riot at the Capitol. At the same time, they laid out ample evidence that the assault was entirely predictable based on the former president’s track record of publicly egging on violent supporters.

As Raskin pointed out in Day 3 of the trial, Trump had “road tested” his tactics for inflaming mobs at his campaign rallies and through Twitter. Social media traffic leading up to January 6 made clear that dangerous extremist groups were planning a violent attack in the nation’s capital.

In her widely viewed Instagram video, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez also recounted that the threat of violence seemed to be widely known, as she started receiving warnings from other members of Congress, including Republicans, a week before the actual attack.

If plans for the insurrection were no great secret, then the wealthy enablers who financed the “Stop the Steal” convergence should also bear some responsibility.

The impeachment trial shed no new light on who these financiers might be. And as journalist Casey Michel explained in, they may forever remain anonymous:


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