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Colonel Wilkerson: US War With Iran “Three Years Away”

So it looks like more and more of the covert operations of the US, past and present, are starting to come out. An AP investigation revealed the location of a former CIA black site prison in Romania, one of many black site prisons that were officially shut down in 2006. Fast forward to today and the covert war against Iran that the US has been waging, no longer seems so covert. Ret. Col. Lawrence Wilkerson discusses.

So it looks like more and more of the covert operations of the US, past and present, are starting to come out. An AP investigation revealed the location of a former CIA black site prison in Romania, one of many black site prisons that were officially shut down in 2006. Fast forward to today and the covert war against Iran that the US has been waging, no longer seems so covert. Ret. Col. Lawrence Wilkerson discusses.

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