Big Players Promote Water Privatization
As soon as the new federal water law was enacted, three water organizations took the lead to transform it into a vehicle for privatization. We report on how their …
Under Water: The EPA’s Struggle to Combat Pollution
The Clean Water Act of 1972 authorized the EPA to protect the waters of the United States from dangerous and or illegal pollution. But that term has been the …
Brown’s Anticonservationist Plan to Re-engineer the SF Bay Delta
The SF Bay Delta watershed, the most micro-managed, over-developed estuary in the United States, now is being subjected to Governor Brown's so-called Bay Delta Conservation Plan, crafted by power …
Let Them Drink Pop: Detroit’s Water Crisis and the Fight for Basic Human Rights in the Motor City
American workers in Motor City have been exploited in more than just Chrysler's idyllic Super Bowl ads.
Detroit Water Shut-Offs Are on Hold, but for How Long?
If Detroit is really interested in regaining financial solvency, they will apply the same tactics to the businesses that are hundreds of thousands behind in their own bills.
Thirsting for Democracy in Detroit: Activists Resist Water Service Shutoffs, Wall Street and Privatization
After a week of direct actions protesting privatization and water service shutoffs, the people of Detroit reject a Wall Street-dictated world, decry commodification of the commons and push back …
Direct Action to Survive in Detroit
To deprive people of water is not only a human rights violation, it is an act of aggression.
Thousands March for Water Rights in Detroit
On Friday, July 18, thousands of people marched through downtown Detroit to call attention to a major public health crisis as the city shuts off the water for residents …
California Halts Injection of Fracking Waste, Warning It May Be Contaminating Aquifers
The state's drought has forced farmers to rely on groundwater, even as California aquifers have been intentionally polluted due to exemptions for oil industry.
California’s Severe Drought Continues, but Private Businesses Remain Saturated
Could it be that the large influx of private corporations over the past years has resulted in a new San Francisco, one that appeases the demands of these enterprises, …