Seven Things That Might Surprise You About California’s Drought
Is California in for another megadrought?
California and Arizona Miscount Water Supplies, Avoiding Realities of Scarcity
California and Arizona are still miscounting their water supplies.
Welcome to Fairmead, California, Where You Have to Walk a Mile for a Sip of Water
For some Californians the drought means brown lawns. For others, it means nothing to drink.
Water Quality Impaired by Agricultural Runoff in Panama and US
Panama's public health is under threat as policies have not addressed agricultural runoff.
Think California’s Drought Is Bad? Try Palestine’s
While Israelis water their lawns and swim in Olympic-sized pools, Palestinians a few kilometers away are literally dying of thirst.
California’s Drought Is Part of a Much Bigger Water Crisis – Here’s What You Need to Know
Why do I keep hearing about the California drought, if it's the Colorado River that we're “killing”?
Hard to Swallow: Toxic Water Under a Toxic System in Flint
A growing number of cities in Michigan are finding themselves in one water-related crisis.
Prepaid Meters Are Obstacles to Accessing Water in Africa
International financial institutions such as the World Bank argue that water should be allocated through market mechanisms to allow for full cost recovery from users.
Damming the Future: The Struggle to Protect Kenya’s Ewaso Ngiro River
Indigenous people are coming together to resist the construction of a mega-dam along the only reliable river in the arid north of the country.
Fifteen Years of Community-Controlled Water in Bolivia
Marcela Olivera, an activist in Bolivia's Water Wars of 2000, talks about the victories of the movement and its ongoing legacy today.