Why Should We Care What the Republican Candidates Say About Syria?
“No fly zone” is a marketing euphemism for “war.”
US-Sponsored Carnage in Yemen Continues
The military intervention in Yemen has caused a bloodbath and created a humanitarian disaster.
One Man’s Mission: Justice for Iraq
Bert Sacks has been seeking justice for Iraq since the 1990s. Nothing the US government has thrown at him thus far has slowed him down.
Dahr Jamail | Free Speech Gets the Death Penalty
The US Department of Defense's Law of War Manual gives the US military the legal opportunity to censor, capture and even kill US journalists.
A Question From Afghanistan: “Can We Abolish War?”
Acts of kindness will launch #Enough!, a long term campaign initiated by the Afghan Peace Volunteers to abolish war.
Objecting to War: The Human Conscience vs. the US Military
Conscientious objection wages an active challenge to war, one soldier at a time.
Are We Winning the Drone War?
This formulation implicitly restricts its concern for “winners” to the US But other lives, combatant and noncombatant, also matter.
US War Theories Target Dissenters
Americans who challenge national security policy may be treated as “unprivileged belligerents” under the new Law of War doctrine.
The Latest You Need to Know on the Syrian Refugee Crisis
Here's a look at the major headlines that you need to know about how the world is meeting this humanitarian crisis.