How Much Will the War on Unions Cost You This Labor Day?
The decline of unions has probably cost you, or someone close to you, thousands of dollars since last Labor Day.
Graduate Students Are Workers: The Decades-Long Fight for Graduate Unions, and the Path Forward
The NLRB's ruling that teaching and research assistants at Columbia University are workers and are legally protected is historic.
Economic Update: Capitalism’s Lack of Sense
This episode of Professor Wolff's radio show discusses graduate students unionizing, and more.
Temp Organizing Gets Big Boost From National Labor Relations Board
Temporary workers can now organize along with direct employees and belong to the same bargaining unit, or form a separate bargaining unit composed only of temps.
Postal Contract Narrows the Gap Between “Tiers” of Workers
The American Postal Workers Union made serious headway and fended off most concessionary demands.
Labor’s Stockholm Syndrome: Why Unions Must Stop Backing Anti-Labor Candidates in the Primaries
Alternative strategies to labor's current custom of backing anti-worker Democrats are both necessary and viable.
The Republicans Just Passed a Platform That Would Eviscerate Workers’ Rights
In a not particularly unexpected move, Republicans are denying workers of their right to unionize while targeting their most vulnerable communities.
Labor Organizing Across Israel’s Apartheid Line: An Interview With Israeli Labor Activist Yoav Tamir
To call WAC-MAAN simply a labor union is not quite accurate.
In Historic National Labor Relations Board Ruling, Temps Win Right to Join Unions
A new ruling will enable temporary and permanent employees to negotiate together.
Three Recent Wins Prove Old-Fashioned Union Power Isn’t Dead Yet
These workers can be proud of what they blocked and what they won — in two cases against the wishes of their national unions.