Illusions and Dangers in Trump’s “America First” Policy: An Interview With Economist Robert Pollin
Trump's “America First” policy is not new. The US has always put itself first, supported by global military dominance.
Statist Attacks on Academic Freedom Are a Symptom of Neoliberalism
Escalating attacks on academic freedom worldwide are a backlash against growing resistance to economic and political repression.
Bradley Foundation Bankrolls Attacks on Unions
The Bradley Foundation spins this agenda as “employee rights.” But Bradley documents detail an aggressive anti-union agenda.
Penn State University Wages Union-Busting Campaign Against Its Own Graduate Students
Penn State graduate assistants may be “students first” but they work 40 to 60 hours a week and have a right to unionize.
Beating Wall Street Means Fighting the Extraction of Wealth From Communities of Color
Racist hate language is one of the tools the financial sector uses to extract wealth from communities of color.
Largest Charter School Chain in LA Raises Millions in Dark Money to Fight Union Drive
The extraordinary lengths to which Los Angeles' largest charter school chain will go to defeat a union drive were revealed in a new California State Auditor report.
Harvesting Union Rights in the Field
North Carolina farmworkers are getting ready for a season of organizing with the Farm Labor Organizing Committee.
Building an Army to Fight Runaway Inequality
How can unions help create a social movement to take on Wall Street's economic and political dominance?
Economic Update: US Labor Unions of the Past, Present and Future
This week's episode discusses the United Airlines flier abuse, New York Gov. Cuomo's flawed tuition plan and more.
How We’re Setting Our Contract Bargaining Tables to Advance Racial Justice
Workers of color go through countless individual experiences of discrimination and it's only gotten worse since Trump's election.